Bubble Tea, Boba Tea, Tapioca Pearls, Pearl Milk Tea

What's boba?

Boba, also known as tapioca pearls, QQ balls, or 'zhen zhu' is derived from the starch of the cassava root.  When cooked properly, bobas are marble-shaped balls that have a gummy-bear like texture and have a slightly sweet taste. Boba can be added to any type of drink: cold or hot milk tea, ice-blended drinks, smoothies, juice and coffee.  Bobas are essential to any bubble tea, pearl milk tea, boba milk tea, black pearl tea, or tapioca tea.

What kinds of boba / tapioca pearls are there?

How do I cook boba?

Cooking Tapioca Pearls for Bubble Tea:

1 cup Tapioca Pearls
8 cups water

(Approximately 8-10 servings)

1) Boil water in a large pot.
2) Add in the tapioca pearls to boiling water.
3) Stir initially to prevent tapioca from sticking to the bottom of the pot. The tapioca pearls should float in the water.
4) Boil for about 25 minutes with the cover on.
5) Turn the heat off and let the tapioca sit in the water for another 25 minutes.
7) Rinse the cooked tapioca pearls in warm water and drain out the water.
8) Cover with bubble tea fructose, sugar syrup, brown sugar, longan honey, and/or honey and serve.


(For use with Regular Boba, Mini Boba, Rainbow Boba, and Green Tea Boba)

Cooking Minute Pearls for Bubble Tea:

1 cup Minute Pearls
8 cups water

(Approximately 10 servings)

1) Boil water in a large pot.
2) Add in the Minute Pearls to boiling water.
3) Stir initially to prevent Minute Pearls from sticking to the bottom of the pot. The tapioca pearls should float in the water.
4) Boil for about 5 minutes with the cover on.
6) Rinse the cooked Minute Pearls in warm water and drain out the water.
7) Cover with bubble tea fructose, sugar syrup, brown sugar, longan honey, and/or honey and serve.


(For use with Black Minute Pearls and Colored Minute Pearls)

>> Link for more free bubble tea recipes



Where can I get boba?

Boba Tea Direct - www.bobateadirect.com